The paintings should be separated into 17 groups of three. Each group of three will contain one painting from the circle group, one from the square group, and one from the triangle group.

Each painting in a triplet will have something in common with the other two paintings, either style, subject matter or artist.

Each painting is numbered. Sum the three numbers, then find the letter represented by the sum (modulo 26 = keep subtracting 26 from the sum until you have a number between 1 and 26). Substitute A for 1, B for 2, ... Y for 25 and Z for 26.

When you are done, arrange the letters in order by the sum of the original three numbers, starting with the lowest sum, and going to the highest.

Grouping Square Triangle Circle Sum Mod (26) Letter
Religious 13 1 2 16 16 P
Picasso 6 11 4 21 21 U
Art Deco 19 9 10 38 12 L
Van Gogh 36 3 20 59 7 G
Surrealist 52 5 22 79 1 A
Children's Illustrations 45 29 23 97 19 S
O'Keefe 65 12 24 101 23 W
Rembrandt 48 18 39 105 1 A
Harlem Renaissance 57 37 30 124 20 T
German Renaissance 104 14 17 135 5 E
Renaissance 82 28 38 148 18 R
Art Nouveau 114 15 21 150 20 T
Neo-Classical 120 7 34 161 5 E
Pop Art 111 26 32 169 13 M
Landscapes 133 31 8 172 16 P
Futurism 145 16 33 194 12 L
Romantic 161 27 25 213 5 E

The answer spells


Clue 13