At this location we were met in the parking lot by two people role-playing as freedom fighters from the Matrix. Our team was quizzed at length about information from the movie "The Matrix" (for example, "What is the name of the only person who does not wear black?" and "What advice did Trinity give Neo before he met Morpheus for the first time?" and "What was Neo's name in the Matrix?") The female inquisitor timed us, which we found out later was for the purpose of spreading the teams out at least 20 minutes apart due to the logistics of this clue, which would require Game Control to be in constant contact with us for about 20 minutes after we got into our vans.

Finally, when we had spent enough time answering questions, we were given the keys to our van which was parked nearby along with other teams' vans (and one two-seater Porsche in which a team of two people played all weekend - major style points!) When we got into the van we discovered that it had been equipped with a GPS transmitter, which was to stay with us for the rest of the game. Using this transmitter, GC could track us within six feet, which came into play in this and a later clue.

Once we got into the van and left the parking lot, GC - obviously tracking us via the GPS transmitter - called us on our cell phone and gave us step-by-step instructions about where to turn. They eventually led us to a location one block south of Shattuck and University in Berkeley. Along the way we received the following three clues:

1) Starting at the Christian Association in Berkeley, a man somersaults 2974 times. Assume that each somersault moves him three feet, and there is a flat, direct path to the next clue site.

2) Beginning at 6th and the first state to enter the Union, it takes you 2.2333 nautical miles to reach your destination.

3) Assume a vacuum exists over the East Bay. A beam of light from the tallest structure in UC Berkeley will light up the next clue location 7.67653 x 10^-6 seconds later.
