Application | Team Presentation | Awards | Detailed Team Info
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Blackbird Pie

Blood & Bones

Devil's Dick

Doh! Boys

Evil Masterminds

The Herbs

Joint Venture

Know Nothings

Max Power

Mystic Fish

Puzzle Fighters


Red 5

Smoking High Monks

Women in Red
We invited 15 teams to be part of The 420 Game, plus we had one fake
team, the Women in Red. The reason for the number was that we only
had 15 GPS devices at our disposal. Fortunately, we only had to turn
away two teams, and both those teams turned in their application after
the deadline. To see the application the teams had to submit, click
here. We ended up with 15 great teams
with different personalities ranging in size from 2 to 8. There were
experienced teams, including winners of past games, and two rookie
teams. To see more information about the teams, click here or click on one of the teams' logos
above. To view a more complete presentation, given at the beginning
of The Game, click here. See also Awards.