doh advil bbpie dd fish maxp knownot red5 shm jv herbs puzfite evil bbones radiks
Raw Finish Time   26:58:00 28:07:00 27:40:00 30:05:00 31:59:00 33:06:00 34:10:00 35:54:00 36:36:00 33:55:00 36:44:00 35:15:00 36:29:00 38:20:00 43:03:00
Total (Penalty - Credit)   1:10 1:17:00 3:00 1:23 0:47 1:30 2:37 3:27 2:51 6:22 6:22 8:38 8:29 7:07 8:28
Adjusted Finish Time   28:08:00 29:24:00 30:40:00 31:28:00 32:46:00 34:36:00 36:47:00 39:21:00 39:27:00 40:17:00 43:06:00 43:53:00 44:58:00 45:27:00 51:31:00
Notes:  The Matrix clue was penalized so that teams who didn't solve it were penalized
so that they spent 3.5 hours of adjusted time on it, in addition to any call penalties.
Penalties included call penalties and penalties for skipping clues.
Credits were for generous acts that helped everyone behind a team and acts of angry neighbors.