The 420 Game Application

Welcome adventurers! Thank you for your interest in the upcoming adventure. In order to choose the teams, we need to know a bit about you. We also want to test your skills. Therefore, the application is split into two parts, both of which must be completed before The Ides of March. The first part is a regular application of a sort that you've surely seen before. It consists of the obvious requests for team name and participants and includes some questions that will allow us to get to know you better, as adventurers and as people. The second part is a video game. In order to submit your application, you must score a certain number of points in this game, and your team's best score will be stored for our use. If you already have a team, enter your team's name below and choose a password to register. If you don't have a team yet, don't have a name chosen, or your team has already registered, you may skip the registration process. Remember that until you register a team name, your video game scores will not count.
Enter your desired team name:

Enter your contact email:

Enter your desired password:

Re-enter your desired password:


Skip Registration