Beyond the Flavor

The 420 Game will, in some ways, be a typical Stanford-type "game" over the 4/20/2001 weekend. There will be an important event on the evening of 4/20, but the game proper will begin on Saturday morning, as is standard. The game should last 20-24 hours for the fastest teams. Our plan is that the 420 game will be at or above the standards set by recent games, but those who play will be the final judge of that.

Game control has been involved in 15 separate games as GC or competitors. Bios of the primary members of GC are below.

Martin Reinfried

Martin has played in 6 games over the last decade, including Mission Improbable (with David) in 1991 and more recent games as member of the Scooby Doobies and Shagadelic. He has helped to run Magic, Star Wars, and the Green Game. Beyond the game, he was one of the founders of Excite. His resistance to fresh powder is 0 and his drug of choice is Jack Herar.

David Andre

David has played in 11 games over the last decade, starting with Mission Improbable (with Martin) in 1991 and in more recent games as member of Scooby Doobies/Shagadelic/Candyasses/BlackFlag. He was on GC for the Indiana Jones and Star Wars games. Beyond the game, he's a PhD candidate in CS at Berkeley and a part time founder of a software start up (Blue Pumpkin). His resistance to gaming is 0 and his drug of choice is adrenaline.

You may contact gc at for more information.